Whale Watching

Come take a tour with us to find these giants, you never know what we will find!

9 am -12 pm & 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

by Appointment Only

$125 Per Person

Ages 2 & Up

Minimum Boat Charge $500

When can we go Whale Watching? FAQs

Gray Whales                    February - June

Every year, they travel back and forth between their feeding grounds in the arctic and their subtropical mating grounds. From November to February they pass California on the way south to Baja and again from February to June (April mostly) on their way back north – together with their calves, which is why they stay closer to the coast then.


Blue Whales                    May - December

The blue whale is the biggest animal to ever have lived, an average blue whale reaches a length of 85 feet, the longest even 108 feet. That equals three casually lined up school busses. Typically the best times are between May-December, with most activity occurring in June-September.


Fin Whales                      January - March

Fin whales are second largest whale after the Blue Whale, and can be seen January through March.  A finback is also a great whale to train your whale watching abilities as they swim at high speed in a rather unpredictable zig-zag-pattern. His top speed is up to 47 km/h, which earned him the nickname: “Greyhound of the Seas”.


Humpback Whales          April - October

Humpbacks are probably the most popular whales among whale watchers. One reason is that their annual migration routes are well known. That means they can be quite reliably met at a certain place at a certain time. An even bigger reason is that humpbacks are great acrobats, fantastic singers and impressive hunters.


Minke Whales                  July – October

Minke whales are the smallest and most common great whales, and they are very playful and curious. They often come very close to the boats and accompany them for some time. They also like to appear totally randomly – and disappear again that way.


Orcas                               April – June

Orcas live closely together in families that stay together in pods: children, grandkids, grandparents, aunts.  We have been fortunate to encounter a local pod off shore that did include 2 babies, in November!

Tours &

Bird Watching

Take a cruise out on the breathtaking Crescent City coastline by beautiful landmarks such as Battery Point Lighthouse, Castle Rock National Wildlife Refuge, and St. George Reef Lighthouse. Perfect for a day of bird or whale watching and coastal exploration.

$100 Per Person

$400 Minimum Boat Charge

Other Services


Thanks to picturesque harbor, coastal, and skyline views—not to mention the possibility of a stunning sunset—getting married on the water is a visual treat. You won't soon forget that panoramic ceremony backdrop. Plus, if timed right, you can exchange vows during the infamous golden hour. We can accommodate up to eight people in a party.

$1,000 Party of up to 6

Spreading Ashes

Scattering ashes at sea has become more and more popular among families of the deceased. This type of ceremony is considered by many to be much more natural and soothing for your loved ones versus traditional, terrestrial burials. Shortly following the cremation and receipt of the ashes, you are ready to provide your loved one with the ceremony and serenity that they deserve, and most likely requested with their final wishes.

$500 Party of up to 6